About Us
Ndia Technical and Vocational College
“Empowering Technical and Innovative Skills”
To be global center of excellence in technical and vocational training.
To provide quality skills and competence using sustainable and innovative technology.
Core Values
- Transparency and Accountability
- Quality Service
- Creativity and Innovation
- Teamwork
- Efficiency and Effectiveness
- Equity
Our institution is a collective of amazing people striving to build a delightful nation.
Ndia Technical was Established by the Government through the Ministry of Education in 2017, offering a variety of courses to K.C.S.E. graduates at artisan, craft/certificate and diploma levels.
The institution positions itself as an institution of first choice in the training of highly skilled, world class technical trainees. It is also equipped to offer its trainees sufficient and relevant entrepreneurial skills so as to prepare them to play their role towards wealth and employment creation in the country.
The government through the Ministry of Education has strengthened the focus of Science, Engineering and Technology(SET), research and Innovations, industrial linkages, collaborations and partnerships’ and TVET policies as underlying the country’s national development efforts. Ndia Technical and Vocational College will continue to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to increase access and improve training capacity, delivery modes and life-long employability of the graduates.
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